ChatGPT Teaches Writing: Publishing and Promoting Your Writing Using ChatGPT

A Course on Using AI to Write — LESSON 7

Teodora Pirciu
8 min readFeb 14, 2023

ICYMI: LESSON 4 — Writing the First Draft with ChatGPT’s Help

LESSON 5 — Proofreading and Editing Your Writing Using ChatGPT

LESSON 6 — Enhancing Your Writing with Advanced ChatGPT Features

Whether you are a new writer or a seasoned author, ChatGPT can help you take your writing to the next level

As a language model trained by OpenAI, ChatGPT can provide valuable assistance in publishing and promoting your writing.

In this lesson, we’ll explain how to use ChatGPT to publish your writing, find the best platform for your needs, and promote your work effectively. So, let’s get started!

Use ChatGPT to help you find the best platform for your work

Here’s a breakdown of how someone can use ChatGPT to find the best publishing platform:

  1. Define Your Goals. Do you want to build an audience, sell your work, or get your writing out there? Your goals will help you narrow your options and make a more informed decision.
  2. Ask ChatGPT for insights into your target audience and their interests. This can help you tailor your content and strategies to meet the needs and preferences of your audience.
  3. Provide Details to ChatGPT. Input your goals, genre, target audience, and other relevant details into ChatGPT. This will help ChatGPT to generate more specific and appropriate recommendations.
  4. Get Recommendations. Use ChatGPT to generate prompts or questions to guide your research into finding the best publishing platform offline. For example, you could ask ChatGPT to generate questions like “What are the key features to look for in a publishing platform?” or “What are the pros and cons of self-publishing versus traditional publishing?” You could then use these questions as a guide to help you research and decide on the best publishing platform for your needs.
  5. Research Further. With ChatGPT’s recommendations as a starting point, do some research to compare the platforms and make an informed decision. Be sure to ask ChatGPT follow-up questions or for additional information on each platform to help you make an informed decision. You can also use ChatGPT to get more specific prompts or questions to ask as you research or to generate a comparison chart.
A prompt example you can use to get started with ChatGPT for finding platforms to publish a blog post

As an AI language model, ChatGPT generates responses based on patterns and associations it has learned from analyzing vast amounts of text data. Its answers are, therefore, only as accurate as the data it has been trained on, and its recommendations may not always be 100% accurate or relevant to your specific situation.

ChatGPT can be a valuable tool in providing guidance, suggestions, and ideas for publishing and promoting your writing. It can help you brainstorm ideas, suggest platforms, and provide tips on how to improve your writing and engagement. Ultimately, it is up to you to review and evaluate ChatGPT’s suggestions and decide what works best for your needs and goals.

ChatGPT is not a substitute for human expertise and feedback. While it can provide useful insights and recommendations, it is still important to seek advice from other writers, editors, or professionals in your field and to do your own research to make informed decisions about publishing and promoting your writing.

Use ChatGPT to optimize your writing for a specific platform

ChatGPT can help you get tips on how to stand out and get noticed

ChatGPT can help you optimize your writing by providing advice and guidance on improving your content structure, readability, and style.

Here are a few examples of how ChatGPT can assist you in optimizing your writing:

🚀 Chat GPT can help you choose the right topics to write about based on search engine data and trends. By analyzing search queries and trends, Chat GPT can provide suggestions for topics likely to generate traffic and interest from your target audience.

🚀 ChatGPT can help you identify and correct grammatical errors, such as subject-verb agreement, punctuation, and capitalization. It can also provide suggestions for rephrasing awkward sentences and improving sentence structure.

🚀 ChatGPT can suggest improving your vocabulary and using the appropriate tone for your intended audience. It can provide advice on how to write attention-grabbing headlines, use eye-catching visuals, and create engaging content that resonates with your audience.

🚀 ChatGPT can help structure your content for maximum clarity and readability. It can suggest ways to break up long paragraphs, use subheadings and bullet points, and organize your content in a logical and easy-to-follow manner.

🚀 Chat GPT can help you identify relevant keywords and phrases for your content. By analyzing search engine data, Chat GPT can suggest specific keywords to use in your content to help it rank higher in search engine results.

🚀 Chat GPT can guide you in optimizing your SEO content using relevant keywords. It can suggest ways to improve your content’s readability score and suggest tools for SEO optimization.

🚀 Use ChatGPT to generate meta descriptions and tags for your content. These can improve your SEO and help your content get noticed by search engines and potential readers.

🚀 Chat GPT can suggest strategies for getting backlinks from high-authority sites in your niche and offer ideas for creating linkable content that others will want to share and link to.

Here’s an example prompt you could use to get started with optimization

Use ChatGPT to promote your writing

Maintain an active online presence and engage with your audience to maintain your following

Finding the right balance between writing and promotion will depend on the writer’s individual goals, strengths, and resources. It’s important to stay focused on producing high-quality work and be proactive in promoting it to the right audience to build a successful writing career.

If a writer is starting and trying to build an audience, they may need to focus more on promotion to get their work in front of potential readers. This may involve networking, guest blogging, social media, and other promotional activities.

On the other hand, if a writer has an established audience and is focused on creating high-quality work, they may be able to devote more time to writing and less to promotion. However, it’s still important for them to maintain an active online presence and engage with their audience to keep their following.

Here are some steps to help you use ChatGPT to promote your writing:

  1. Define your audience and goals. Ask yourself who you want to reach with your writing, what action you want them to take, and what channels you want to use to promote your work.
  2. Use ChatGPT to generate ideas. Once you clearly understand your audience and goals, you can use ChatGPT to generate ideas for promoting your writing. For example, you can ask ChatGPT questions like “What are the best ways to promote my writing to a young adult audience?” or “How can I use social media to promote my writing?
  3. Craft compelling titles and descriptions. Using ChatGPT, you can generate creative and engaging titles and descriptions for your writing. This can grab the attention of your target audience and entice them to read and share your work.
  4. Use ChatGPT to identify the most effective promotional channels. This can help you develop a comprehensive and targeted promotional strategy that reaches your audience where they are.
  5. Share your writing on social media. Using ChatGPT, you can generate ideas for social media posts and hashtags that will help your content get noticed. You can also use ChatGPT to write captions, tweets, and other social media content that is engaging and on-brand.
  6. Leverage email marketing. You can use ChatGPT to generate ideas for email subject lines and for crafting engaging email content that will encourage your subscribers to read and share your work.
  7. Collaborate with other writers and influencers. Collaborating with other writers and influencers in your niche can help you expand your reach and promote your writing to a broader audience. ChatGPT can provide suggestions on who to collaborate with and how to approach them.
  8. Monitor and adjust your strategy. Once you start promoting your writing, monitor your results and adjust your plan as needed. ChatGPT can help you track your progress and generate ideas for refining and improving your approach.
A prompt example you can use to ask ChatGPT for help with promoting your writing on social media

Remember to be creative, authentic, and consistent in your approach and to stay open to feedback and new ideas along the way.

Here are a few simple practice exercises you can try to help you put the lessons from this course into action
  1. Choose a recent blog post or article you’ve written and use ChatGPT to generate multiple headlines or titles. Experiment with different tones, keywords, and angles to find the most effective and engaging title.
  2. Use ChatGPT to generate meta descriptions and tags for your content. This can help you improve your SEO and make your content more discoverable to search engines and potential readers.
  3. Ask ChatGPT for feedback on your writing style and tone. Provide a sample of your writing and ask for insights into ways you can improve your writing to better connect with your readers.
  4. Use ChatGPT to identify the most effective social media platforms for promoting your content. Experiment with different platforms, hashtags, and promotional strategies to see which works best for your audience.
  5. Identify a popular blog or website in your niche and use ChatGPT to suggest guest posts or collaboration ideas. This can help you build relationships with other writers and gain exposure to a broader audience.
  6. Ask ChatGPT for insights into your target audience and their interests. Use this information to create content that meets the needs and preferences of your audience and attracts more readers.

Remember to be patient and persistent, and keep experimenting with different strategies until you find what works best for you.


I hope this lesson has helped show you how to use ChatGPT to publish and promote your writing effectively. With its advanced AI capabilities and natural language processing, ChatGPT can be an invaluable tool for writers of all levels and backgrounds.

Remember, by using ChatGPT to optimize your writing, identify the best publishing platforms, and promote your content effectively, you can build a loyal following and achieve your writing goals faster and more efficiently.

Tomorrow, we will explore common challenges writers face when using ChatGPT and strategies to overcome them. So, if you’re struggling to make the most of ChatGPT or want to take your writing to the next level, tune in for expert advice and practical tips.



Teodora Pirciu

Writer, mother, journalist, content marketer, day-dreamer, chocolate lover, freelancer. Not necessarily in this order.